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What services do I offer?

My consultation and assessment services are based on my experience that there is a pathway to success for ALL learners. The job of parents, schools, and professionals is to work together to develop a plan to support the student's best growth in learning and social functioning, which will utimately help increase school and community participation, independence, and quality of life. As students get older, they can become active members of this team, and can provide invaluable input into determining what their pathway may look like. 

I use my training in best practices for school neuropsychological assessment, applied behavior analysis, educational interventions, and consultation to provide:

  • Comprehensive school neuropsychological assessments
  • Psychoeducational educational assessment
  • Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs)
  • Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs)
  • Development of and consultation around behavior intervention plans
  • Training and consultation to school districts and local agencies
  • Parent consultation around supporting learning and behavior with your child or teen at home and in collaboration with the school
  • For students who are developmentally ready: short-term student consultation to debrief assessment results and plan for next steps
  • Educational consultation including reviewing reports and school documents, attending IEP and school meetings, discussion of treatment recommendations with the school team.
  • Referrals to community and online resources

Specific Areas of Expertise

  • Assessment and intervention planning for Autism Spectrum Disorders and related conditions
  • Assessment and intervention planning for students with variety of disabilities that have impact on school functioning, such as developmental disabilities, genetic or complex medical diagnoses, seizure disorders, motor-speech disorders, and chromosomal variations 
  • Assessment and intervention planning for students with possible learning disabilities such as dyslexia, nonverbal learning disabilities, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia
  • Assessment and intervention planning for students with ADHD, executive functioning deficits, and comorbid conditions
  • Assessment and intervention planning for students with emotional and behavioral disorders (i.e.: anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, trauma)
  • Assessment and intervention planning for bilingual students and multicultural students, including English Language Learners